Why I switched from running a catering business to writing a blog

So a couple of years ago I woke up and decided to start a blog. I wanted to write about what I knew. What sparked my interest. I've been told in the past that my writing is very conversational. Almost like I'm in front of them telling them a story. Perhaps I've had the "Blogger Gene" in me all along even before I knew what the heck a blog was. 

Now, at this point in time I was in the thick of developing a dessert catering business which many of you may know as All Kinds of Whoopie. I'm not going to say it was at the level I wanted it to be, but it was growing at a steady pace. You know, like every business starts out.

My very first fair with the fabulous Not Yo' Mama's Craft Fair organization. Hand-painted sign by the way. ::Brushes shlouder::

My very first fair with the fabulous Not Yo' Mama's Craft Fair organization. Hand-painted sign by the way. ::Brushes shlouder::

Cholita Dessert Bar setup at the 6th Borough Market.

Cholita Dessert Bar setup at the 6th Borough Market.

At the end of 2013, my health took a bad turn and I ended up being physically and emotionally wrecked. I will talk about this in a future post... long story. After dealing with that, in the beginning of 2014 I decided to amp up the growth my company by giving it a total makeover. I renamed it Cholita Dessert Bar to give it that personal touch (it is my nickname after all) and had an amazing response. I signed up for as many farmers markets/craft fairs I could handle. Really put myself and my brand out there, I had orders up the wazoo, baking day in and day out. Great, right? Well, in many ways yes and in some others, no.

By October 2014 I was running on absolutely NO SLEEP. Keep in mind, I was running Cholita Dessert Bar as, many people believed to be, a full-time business while I was working a full-time, nine to five job. I lived, ate (not good for my girlish figure) and breathed this company. I no longer felt like myself and soon began to realize that this "dream" was slowly killing me. I came to terms with the fact that this had to stop. Now. Before it was too late, and I would develop serious health issues that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life.

If this experience has taught me anything it's that sometimes life throws punches at you and you have to roll along with them. You have to make sure your happiness is in tip-top shape, and I was not having fun with this business anymore. No where near how I was at the beginning stages. I was all about "going viral" and serving my customers' needs first. Nothing wrong with that, but it came to the point that I was pushing myself, my health, my family all the things and people that made life worth living to the side. Never a good idea...

This is one of my favorite photos! Can you guys believe my little Sarah (far right) is turning 14 today! I feel so old. I just can't. LOL!

This is one of my favorite photos! Can you guys believe my little Sarah (far right) is turning 14 today! I feel so old. I just can't. LOL!

My Mami and Papi at my college graduation party. Have 7 years already flown by?!?!?!?

My Mami and Papi at my college graduation party. Have 7 years already flown by?!?!?!?

Mami & I love taking selfies together :)

Mami & I love taking selfies together :)

AAAAnd one more recent family picture. You have to enjoy every moment with your loved ones and let them know how much you care about them. It's key to make memories with them when you still have them physically present in your life.

AAAAnd one more recent family picture. You have to enjoy every moment with your loved ones and let them know how much you care about them. It's key to make memories with them when you still have them physically present in your life.

Fast forward a few months which brings me to present-day Cholita. A new and improved version that's ready to explore and live life as it should be. I want to enrich my readers with ideas and stories that are always brewing in this busy little brain of mine. In fact, my philosophy nowadays is simple: It's more than just cake and desserts. It's about documenting life's SWEETEST moments!

Hope you enjoyed the photos. I was flipping through my Facebook page (seriously, I need to make actual physical albums again) and I felt nostalgic. 'Till the next post, guys!
